The ON...GOTO Statement is used to branch to one of several specified line numbers depending on the value return, when an expression is evaluated.
LN ON expression GOTO line numbers
LN : Line Number
Expression : Valid numeric expression
Line number : Line numbers to where jump has to take place.
If the value of expression =3, the third will be the destination of the branch.
1. 100 ON N GOTO 200, 300, 400
2. 150 ON M GOTO 215, 50, 300
In Example 1, the branching takes place depending on the value of N
if N=1, the program branches to line 200
if N=2, the program branches to line 300
if N= 3, the program branches to line 400 and so on.
A =1
PRINT A (infinite loop)
A = A+1
Note : The program displays the number 1,2,3... and so on infinitely (forming infinite loop)
1. Press Pause key to stop the display of numbers temporarily.
2. Press CTRL+Break to stop to the execution of the program (or to terminate the infinite loop)
10 REM Learning the use of GOTO statment
20 CLS
30 LET A =1
50 LET A = A+1
60 GOTO 40
70 END
LN ON expression GOTO line numbers
LN : Line Number
Expression : Valid numeric expression
Line number : Line numbers to where jump has to take place.
- In the ON...GOTO statement the value of expression determines which line number in the list will be used for branching.
If the value of expression =3, the third will be the destination of the branch.
- If value expression is zero the execution continues with next executable statement in the program.
- If value of expression is negative or greater than 255, error 0 classes.
1. 100 ON N GOTO 200, 300, 400
2. 150 ON M GOTO 215, 50, 300
In Example 1, the branching takes place depending on the value of N
if N=1, the program branches to line 200
if N=2, the program branches to line 300
if N= 3, the program branches to line 400 and so on.
A =1
PRINT A (infinite loop)
A = A+1
Note : The program displays the number 1,2,3... and so on infinitely (forming infinite loop)
1. Press Pause key to stop the display of numbers temporarily.
2. Press CTRL+Break to stop to the execution of the program (or to terminate the infinite loop)
CS 7.2 Display on the screen for GOTO statement
10 REM Learning the use of GOTO statment
20 CLS
30 LET A =1
50 LET A = A+1
60 GOTO 40
70 END
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