There are different languages that can be used to program a computer. Because of the simplicity, uniformity and portability (i.e. machine independence) , a computer program is written in some high level language. The instruction set of such a high level language is more compatible with human languages. Most of these high level languages are general purpose languages, such as BASIC.
BASIC is an acronym that stands for Beginners All -purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
It is an easy-to-learn and user friendly language whose instructions resemble algebraic formulas and certain English words. BASIC is a language that is used for interactive programming. It allows direct communication between the user and the system during the preparation and the execution of the programs. Thus, BASIC is well suited fora a person learning to program for the first time.
The use of BASIC is not only restricted to elementary applications in the areas such as business, science, engineering and mathematics. It has become a principal language for the micro computers. BASIC can be used for computer games (requiring the use of graphics and sound generation).It can also be used in applications such as personal finance and database management.
History of BASIC
BASIC was the first programming language for the micro computers. It was originally developed at Dartmouth college, New Hampshire, USA by Prof. John Kemeny and Prof. Thomas Kurtz, BASIC came into existence during 1963 and 1964. It became very popular among the computer users of United States and Canada, because of its simplicity and user friendliness. After mid 1970's Micro computer manufacturer adopted BASIC as their standard programming language. In 1978 ANSI (American National Standards Instiute) standardized BASIC in order to make it uniform one version of BASIC to another.In 1981, BASIC was kept ii the ROM of IBM PC as a standard programming interface. Over the years, many versions of BASIC have been developed. The most popular among them are :
1. BASICA (BASIC Advanced)
2. GWBASIC (Ghee - Whiz BASIC)
Both of these versions have been developed by Microsoft. Microsoft started giving out GWBASIC interpreter together with MS-DOS 4.01, MS-DOS 5.0, MS-DOS 6.0 and the above versions come with QBASIC (Quick Basic).
There are different languages that can be used to program a computer. Because of the simplicity, uniformity and portability (i.e. machine independence) , a computer program is written in some high level language. The instruction set of such a high level language is more compatible with human languages. Most of these high level languages are general purpose languages, such as BASIC.
BASIC is an acronym that stands for Beginners All -purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
It is an easy-to-learn and user friendly language whose instructions resemble algebraic formulas and certain English words. BASIC is a language that is used for interactive programming. It allows direct communication between the user and the system during the preparation and the execution of the programs. Thus, BASIC is well suited fora a person learning to program for the first time.
The use of BASIC is not only restricted to elementary applications in the areas such as business, science, engineering and mathematics. It has become a principal language for the micro computers. BASIC can be used for computer games (requiring the use of graphics and sound generation).It can also be used in applications such as personal finance and database management.
History of BASIC
BASIC was the first programming language for the micro computers. It was originally developed at Dartmouth college, New Hampshire, USA by Prof. John Kemeny and Prof. Thomas Kurtz, BASIC came into existence during 1963 and 1964. It became very popular among the computer users of United States and Canada, because of its simplicity and user friendliness. After mid 1970's Micro computer manufacturer adopted BASIC as their standard programming language. In 1978 ANSI (American National Standards Instiute) standardized BASIC in order to make it uniform one version of BASIC to another.In 1981, BASIC was kept ii the ROM of IBM PC as a standard programming interface. Over the years, many versions of BASIC have been developed. The most popular among them are :
1. BASICA (BASIC Advanced)
2. GWBASIC (Ghee - Whiz BASIC)
Both of these versions have been developed by Microsoft. Microsoft started giving out GWBASIC interpreter together with MS-DOS 4.01, MS-DOS 5.0, MS-DOS 6.0 and the above versions come with QBASIC (Quick Basic).
Im a new computer scince student, and also trying to writeing about computer basic lessons and training to all by bloging.. the post will help me much.. thanks