Thursday, May 10

Microfilm and Mircofiche

A microfilm is a miniature photographic image. The output from the computer is recorded on a microfilm as microscopic film images. Such images (recorded information ) can be viewed (or read ) with the aid of a microfilm viewing system.
A microfiche is a 4 by 6 inch film sheet. A single microfiche can store information written in 270 pages. The same space of in microfiche can store up to 1000 standard pages of information as in the case of ultra fiche.
 Note : The word Microfiche is derived from French word. The word "Fiche" means card (sheet). It is pronounced as "fish" ( i.e. Micro fish)

Advantages :
1. It's storage capacity is high.
2. It has capacity to store figures, graphics etc.
3. Quick retrieval of information possible.
4. It is economic while processing large number of documents.

Disadvantages :
1. It requires special equipments for reading and producing hard copy documents.
2. Data once recorded on microfilm or microfiche can not be updated (or changed ) on the same micro film or micro fiche.

Additional advantages of microfiche compared to microfilm :
1. It is easier to send microfiche from place to the another place.
2. It is easier to read microfiche as compared to microfilms.
The micro film and micro fiche are used in a system known as Computer-Output-to-Microfilm(C.O.M.) system.
It reduces the problem of C.P.U. idleness during printing (by reducing the role of printer by replacing paper output document with microfilm.
A C.O.M. system comprises of computer that produces the original documents or images and a recording machine that develops the microfilm. If the information is recorded in microfilm records directly from the computer, it is known as offline recording.
The Microfilm recorder projects the characters of output information one the screen of a cathode ray tube
( similar to our television ) A high-speed microfilm camera  then takes the photograph of displayed information on he cathode tube at speed (25,000-2,00,000 characters / sec ) much faster than the printers.Then the film is developed with film developer. The developed film can be viewed by the user directly through microfilm viewer or paper document can be printed from the film by a special printer. 

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